Wednesday, January 23, 2013


          Lets talk about another cool symmetric molecule.
Perfluorohexane, a stable fluoroalkane liquid
Perfluoroisobutene, a reactive and toxic fluoroalkene gas

       Those two symmetric molecules are both in the group of molecules known as fluorocarbons. Fluorocarbons are basically hydrocarbons, but with all the hydrogen molecules replaced by fluorine. They are colorless and have densities up to twice the amount of water, mostly due to its high molecular weight. When compared to liquids of a similar boiling point, you see that this molecule has low viscosity values. This is due in part to the fact that the only force being applied to this molecule is London Dispersion Force. It also has low surface tension values and a low heat of vaporization. But here is the interesting thing. Because of those low values, this molecule tends to make a very good solvent for gases. Why am I telling you this? Well, because that simple property allows people and animals to do the one thing that has seemed to be beyond our grasp for quite a while, despite being able to such amazing things like getting to the moon. It allows you to breathe in a liquid.
Granted, you will be losing your mind though
     Yep, the picture above is of a hamster losing its mind, while being submerged in a fluorocarbon fluid. And while it does seem to be distressed, it is completely safe(ignoring the side effects). In liquid breathing, the patient is exposed to a perfluorocarbon mixture that has a high oxygen content. Since the mixture is fairly heavy, it sinks to the bottom of the lungs where it opens up the alveoli which leads to the lungs absorbing oxygen. The uses of this material and method is huge. They allow doctors to help people with damaged lungs and sick infants breath. And it would finally allow people to go to extreme depths without the fear of compression sickness and the bends.
      By using these flurocarbons, one is able to breath a liquid; a once impossible thought. And while it does have some side effects, it is very amazing what this symmetric particle is able to achieve. Thanks for reading.

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